Sunday 4 April 2021



                                          Meditations on Grief


As many of you may know by now, (from reading the blog), we lost our daughter just over four years ago and life since that point has been a process of grieving and finding new meaning and purpose. Grief is a journey that doesn't end... the pain of the loss doesn't just go away. However, It does get more manageable and gradually bit by bit life starts enlarging around the pain in the middle. 

Its a tumultuous journey of ups and downs... at times you can grieve openly and other times you may feel like others just don't understand and you hide it away, trying to figure out what is acceptable or appropriate. You feel broken... but you learn that you are not broken... and you not only GO through the grief (as David Kessler, a well known grief expert puts it) but you GROW through it. You learn that you can't "DO" grief wrong and that its very individualized. 

I love what David says, when asked, "How long do you grieve?" His answer is so to the point..."How long is the person dead?".

I also find the story that he tells... of how buffalo's run in to a storm to shorten the time that they will have to spend in the worst part of it. Most people do the opposite....people run away from grief and try and avoid the pain and emotional storms and in doing so often elongate the time that they spend in its epicenter. As the sayings go... what we resist persists! and "you can't heal from what you don't feel" 


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